De tortues en aiguilles

De tortues en aiguilles

Encore du nouveau!

Le beau soleil du week-end a disparu,remplacé par la pluie et le vent;celà arrosera le jardin!Ce matin outre la déclaration d'impôts,j'ai reçu pas mal de choses intéressantes!

Des nouvelles d'Autriche:Anita m'envoie un carnet de timbres et cartes postales édités pour la sortie du film"Nos voisins les hommes",avec "Verne" la tortue! Super!Elle a joint d'autres cartes tortues et une carte"vachounettes" pour Laura!


Sinon une carte postcrossing d'Afrique du Sud(encore de bons souvenirs!),mon amie finlandaise Tanja m'a envoyé 2 cartes Höröla (je parlerai un peu plus de cette collection plus tard!) 



 et une nouvelle carte Stenvall pour mes collections,


et Laura Finlande m'a fait un super dessin de tortues,car elle cherchait en vain une carte!


Sinon je commence à recevoir des cartes pour notre fête de Dimanche,un grand merci à Monique et Anne-Sophie!Voilà c'est déjà beaucoup!

Cet après-midi bravant la pluie, nous sommes allés faire un tour et j'ai rencontré deux tortues qui n'attendaient que moi!Un livre jeu que je prêterai à Emilie:mignon et coloré!


Une petite tortue toute triste et pensive,elle sera mieux ici!


Quelle belle journée!Et je sais qui est la "mystérieuse Lise"!!!

Je rajoute maintenant un petit supplément sur Höröla:



The jolly and easy-going people of Hörölä have cheered up the Finnish people already for more than two years, and they are becoming more and more succesful! The series of postcards designed and drawed by Terho Peltoniemi and printed by Papron Ltd. have also found their way to Finnish hearts.

The origin of Hörölä

It started from laugh – or lack of it – or maybe a little bit both…

"Birthday of a friend was coming up. I was rambling around the stores looking for a suitable card. Something funny for a funny person. That was, what I was looking for, but did not find any. There was something missing from card-shelves…

That problem was quickly fixed as I decided to draw a card of my own for my friend. The picture was an Indian ink caricature of a man giving roses. The way of drawing amused even myself, so I decided to draw more of those jolly pictures, only this time with pastel colours. The year was 1999.

As I am a card-artist, it was natural for me to offer this new line of illustrations for the printing house. And so Papron Ltd. started printing my illustrations as postcards and these cards were instant success. Hörölä was born. The name of Hörölä I found from the word "hörötys" – roaring with laughter."

Folklore in the Hörölä cards

"You can see lots of Finnish folklore in Hörölä cards. To me it is very essential. I've travelled around Finland and in a number of museums... Listening and talking with old folk.

I have also painted pictures with national romanticism, where I moved on to drawing Christmas cards. Gnomes trudging in old yards and dusk dwellings are characteristics in my Christmas cards. Those same characteristics are seen in Hörölä pictures."

The success of Hörölä

"The success of Hörölä arises from people being what they are naturally. The people of Hörölä experience everything in very positive way, and "inner beauty" shines through distinctively. The philosophy of Hörölä appreciates difference and respect of others. And this happens in a real life. In Hörölä, people enjoy the little things; daily events, observing time… People reflect and respond to different things, but always in their own unique style."

Terho Peltoniemi




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